To the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, thank you for serving our great country! Now it’s time for us to serve you.

At OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County, veterans receive priority service. Through a variety of employment services, we aim to help all veterans overcome unemployment and underemployment. OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County offers a wide range of services to eligible veterans and their spouses including agency referral services, barrier elimination, training and career management services. 

When you come to OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County, we ask that you please identify yourself as a veteran so that our staff may connect you with a veteran employment representative. If you are seeking assistance and unable to visit our office you may complete the vet questionnaire below and a vet representative will reach out to you. 

omj vet

Why Hire A Veteran?

Accelerated learning curve: Veterans have the proven ability to learn new skills and concepts.

Leadership: The military trains people to lead by example as well as through direction, delegation, motivation, and inspiration.

Teamwork: Veterans understand how genuine teamwork grows out of a responsibility to one’s colleagues.

Efficient performance under pressure: Veterans understand the rigors of tight schedules and limited resources.

Technology and globalization: Because of their experiences in the service, veterans are usually aware of international and technical trends pertinent to business and industry.

Triumph over adversity: In addition to dealing positively with the typical issues of personal maturity, veterans have frequently triumphed over great adversity.

