Job Seeker Services

At OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County, you have access to free resources including workshops, career coaching, hiring events, and many more services to help you find the right job.

Employer Services

We provide local companies with the resources they need to fill positions with qualified employees such as hiring events, on-the-job training, job posting assistance and more.


Fill out our job posting form and let us handle it from there. You can even upload your job description rather than typing it all out. Your job opening will be posted on, in our lobby for job seekers to view, and on our local social media pages.


The staff working here is excellent, very helpful and friendly. They are willing to help you through a very difficult process. Kudos to a wonderful group of workers.

This facility is top-notch and very professional. The help I got was far above what I expected. The staff was there every step and was exactly what I needed when I came here. Please continue to provide the one-on-one help.

This office is extremely helpful and kind. They never make me feel like I am a bother when I call or come in daily with more unemployment questions.

Satisfaction Survey

Let us know how we are doing by taking our satisfaction survey.​

Contact OhioMeansJobs Today!